Guy with Stomach pain

Recovery from Hiatal Hernia Repair Surgery – What to Expect

In extreme cases, a hiatal hernia can be a source of daily discomfort in the form of chronic acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, and pain in the abdomen and chest. Hiatal hernia repair surgery can solve these issues, but you may have concerns about the post surgery recovery process. Fortunately, laparoscopic hernia repair involves minimal cutting….

hiatal hernias
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What You Need to Know About Hiatal Hernias

Hiatal hernias can cause acid reflux and other problems. If a hiatal hernia causes GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), discomfort, or difficulty breathing, then it should be treated promptly. Hiatal Hernia Definition A hiatal hernia occurs in the diaphragm, which is a wall of muscle between your chest and abdominal region. In the center is a…

What is a Hernia – Symptoms and Treatment in Dallas

What Is a Hernia?

Any instance in which an internal organ is pushing through the muscles holding it in place is called a hernia. Hernias occur in various areas in the body, but the most common are through the abdominal muscle. Often, they can cause a small bulge that can be felt through the skin, and you may experience…

Signs and Symptoms of Hernia

Signs of a Hernia

Hernias are never very pleasant and are often painful. A hernia occurs when one of your organs pushes through the muscles holding it in, which most often happens with the intestine through the abdominal wall. While not necessarily life-threatening, a hernia can lead to more serious conditions later on, and it won’t go away on…