CBS News’ Charlie Rose discusses the LINX® System

CBS News’ Charlie Rose discusses the LINX® System

Transcript: A new treatment may help millions of Americans who have uncontrollable acid reflux. It happens when the stomach opening doesn’t close properly, allowing stomach acid to rise into the esophagus. 60 million Americans have heartburn and other symptoms at least once a month. Now University of Minnesota researches say a magnetic bracelet implanted around…

Diagnosing GERD

Diagnosing GERD

Everyday Health produced a brief video on how your physician will diagnose if you have GERD. Transcript: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is typically diagnosed through a typical history. Your physician or healthcare provider will listen to the story and can often come to a diagnosis without any specific testing. One thing that is done commonly after…

GERD Complications

GERD Complications

Everyday Health produced this short video describing two major complications of GERD.  There are two major complications from GERD. Strictures are a narrowing of the esophagus which make swallowing difficult and Barrett’s esophagus can lead to cancer. Transcript: Most patients with reflux disease are successfully treated and do not have symptoms on an ongoing basis….